This Saturday is the Swim Meet at the Lehi Legacy Center. The Pool address is: 123 N Center St, Lehi, UT 84043
Warm-up time is at 7:00 AM and the Start time is 7:30 AM.
We will be taking Meet Entries today so please be sure to sign-up your swimmers as soon as possible. If you didn't get a chance to sign up in time, please email us! Last minute entries will be accepted until Thursday at 12 PM. We will send out a entry list around this time so you can double check your swimmers.
Just as a reminder, all swimmers are required to swim in at least two of the dual meets (see your parent packet you received at the parent meeting). We only have two meets left so if your swimmers have not participated in a meet yet we would really like to see them at both meets. If they do not swim in at least two of the meets they will not be able to swim at the County Meets.
Also, Lehi will be using a Meet software for all entries including the relays so we will not be able to add any relay teams after we have sent the entries. Also be sure that if you sign up for a relay team you will be able to participate.
We need more swimmers for relays so please sign up on the Google doc's second sheet labeled relays. Here is a link to the relay sign up >>
**Just a note, we can't promise every swimmer will be able to swim in the relay(s) they wanted. The coaches will try to make it fair so all swimmers get an opportunity to swim. If we have enough, we can do an A relay and a B relay. We will be doing relays on Friday for practice so if any swimmers are nervous about participating in a relay they will be able to practice before Saturday.
Remember to bring water, treats, chairs, etc.
We look forward to this last away meet. Excited to see you all there!
The Coaches
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