I apologize for all the emails/posts, I just keep getting questions and want to make sure everyone is aware of the following items.
Please do not write on your swimmers backs with anything like "Eat my bubbles" or anything else that could be interpreted as bad sportsmanship. If so, swimmers will be asked to remove the writing in order to compete. Designs and positive quotes are fine.
Check the Gold and Silver entry sheets I sent out to make sure your swimmer's events are correct. If you have not signed up yet and want to attend, please email me ASAP.
There will be no practice on Wednesday and Friday. We will be at the Bronze and Silver Meets those days. We will be holding practice on Thursday for any who would like to attend, especially those going to Silver and Gold.
It will be held here at the pool on Wednesday, August 3rd from 7:30-9:30PM. There will be games, awards, food, and more! Put it on your calendars! We want to see you all there! Please send me any pictures or videos that you'd like to be included :)
Something got messed up the Google Doc we have to keep track of volunteer hours. Not sure what happened, but some of the hours reported were shifted around somehow so some are not under the correct name. Please double check your hours and be honest if yours are off.
Here is the Google doc for hours reported >>
If you have not reported your hours, please do so.
Short on hours? You can make a donation to the swim team, provide food for the end of season party, and help plan/carry out the party. However, we'd prefer if you volunteered to time/judge at the county meets because we are still in need of parents to time and judge at ALL of our meets!
If we do not provide at least two timers and two judges, we won't be allowed to participate in the meet! We need at least two timers and two judges. If we get more, we can do a rotation between the Lindon parents. We need you! Try to make arrangements so you can make this possible. Please sign up!
SIGN UP ON THIS GOOGLE DOC >> https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/1-C- KL2UbJvfEPNYfTh4HfxXnDOzQcXHu5 l66ifudDnw/edit#gid=0
Coach Kristi
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