Friday, May 19, 2017

Parent Meeting Recap, Make Up Tryout, Volunteer Sign Up

Hello Swimmers and Parents,

Parent Meeting Recap
For those that were unable to attend the parent meeting last night, here is a link to the Parent Packet document. Click here. If it doesn't work, let me know.

Swim Gear
Please be aware that if your child does not have last year's swim suit, you will need to go to Poco Loco to purchase this year's team suit and equipment. We have a team deal on them so just let them know you are on Lindon Swim Team. 

Last years suit was discontinued, so please make sure that you either have last years suit or this years. We have team caps available for purchase at the pool's front desk. See the parent packet for any other questions about gear.

Make Up Tryout
We have rescheduled our make up tryout for Tuesday (23rd) at 4pm at the Lindon Aquatics Center. The weather is supposed to be 77! So let's pray it stays that way! Just a reminder about tryouts...
  • Remember that all NEW swimmers to Lindon Swim Team must try out. 
  • Returning swimmers wanting to move up a group will need to pass off the skills required for that particular group. 
  • Those swimmers who are signed up for advanced and can not pass off the requirements, will not be allowed to swim in the advanced group and will be put on the wait list for intermediate. Swimmers must be proficient in all strokes.
    • We've had a problem of people registering for a level they are not qualified to swim just because other levels are full. This is unfair to the swimmers that are qualified for that particular level. If your swimmer is signed up for advanced and not confident they can pass the requirements, please come to the make up tryout.
    • For concerns or if you have already talked to us, please email me at with the subject line "Advanced Group Question"

Wait List Update

Each swim group is currently full. If you have not registered your child and are on the wait list for swim team, please sit tight as we organize the rosters and swimmers move to the appropriate level or drop out. We will be posting the final roster next week after make up tryouts. Even the first week of practice, spots will likely open up for those on the wait list.  

If you are not on a wait list and would like to be added, please email me your name, your child's name, which group we should add your swimmer to, and your email and phone number. 

I will be honest, the wait lists are very long right now and it is highly unlikely spots will open up. So I would suggest looking at other teams in the area if they have openings for the summer. We will try to fit in as many swimmers as we can, but we do have a max for safety reasons. 

Parent Volunteer Sign Up
We are having parents sign up via Google Doc this year. Please click on this link and sign up for a position. Or you can go to the blog and click on the "Parent Volunteer" tab. Once spots are filled for a certain position, please do not make an additional space for your name. Fill in other needed positions. 

**We must fill the spots for the first three positions. Without these positions and parents attending the Official's Meeting on June 7th @ Riverside, we will not be allowed to hold meets or participate in other meets. If we fill each of these slots, we will be able to rotate half way through the swim meets.

Thank you for all your help!


Coach Kristi

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