I've had a few questions about County Meet. Below is what is included in the bylaws about the County Meet.
D-1 County Meet Divisions. The County Meet consists of four separate meets.
A. The Bronze meet: will be held one to two days prior to the other meets and is for swimmers with two or more qualifying times below the Bronze Meet Time Standard. This meet follows the 78 event order with the exceptions of relays and no individual medley. All relays will be deck seeded with cards, no prior entries will be needed. No “A” or “B” time or Gold time standard swimmers will be permitted to swim at the Bronze Meet. All 6 & under swimmers will swim in this meet only.
B. The Silver Meet will be held the second day for all boys and girls that qualify in accordance to the Silver meet time standard requirements. The swimmer should have two out of three times that are in the Silver meet time standards. Freestyle relays will be held in the place of the medley with no medley relays. All relays will be deck seeded with cards. No prior entry will be needed.
C. The Gold Meet will be held the third day for all boys and girls in that age group that have two or more times faster than the silver time standard. All standard relay event will be held in the current order of events. All relays will be deck seeded with no prior entries needed.
D. Elite championship will be held as the final meet of the season. It will be a time standard meet. All swimmers participating must meet the qualifying time standard. All 15-18 year olds will participate in this meet regardless of time standards. All standard relays will be held in the standard order. All relays will be deck seeded with no prior entries needed.
D-2 Minimum Requirements for Participation in a County Championship Meet.
To compete in any county Championship meet, swimmers must:
A. Have swum in at least two dual or invitational meets during the season (Individual events only, relays do not count) AND;
B. Have at least one legal time in the event(s) they wish to enter at a county meet. Inter-squad meet times are not eligible to use as entry times for a county meet participation.
D-3 Entries for County Meets. Meets will be regulated as follows:
A. Each team may have an unlimited number of entries in each event.
B. Each swimmer may enter a maximum of three individual events and two relay events.
C. Each team may enter a maximum of three (3) relays per age group per gender.
D. Swimmers may swim a maximum of one freestyle relay and one medley relay.
E. To swim in any relay at a county meet, a swimmer must swim in at least one individual event.
F. A swimmer who is disqualified for any reason will be considered to have swum that event and will count toward his/her maximum number of events.
G. There will be no exhibition entries.
H. If a swimmer swims more than the allowed number of individual or relay events, he or she will be disqualified from those events swam after the maximum number of events is reached. In case of a relay, the entire team will be disqualified.
I. Team entries will be submitted to the host team and meet director at a predetermined time (usually seven days before the meet). After that date no changes may be made in individual events without the use of a “team card.” In relays substitutions may be made until the swimmers are called to the block. A maximum of 6 “team card” changes may be made by each team during the 3-day meet
J. “No entry” times will be accepted for relay teams. Entries will be seeded at random with “A” teams seeded faster than “B” and “C” team relays.
D-4 Scratches.
To help the meet run smoother and to prevent empty lanes, coaches are asked to “scratch” any swimmers or relay teams they know will not be competing. This is done 45 minutes prior to the start of the meet. Announcements will be made to that effect prior to the start of the meet.
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