Monday, July 31, 2017


Hi All,

We are so proud of all our swimmers who competed at County Meets! Nice work! And a HUGE thank you to all those judge and timer volunteers who helped out!

Gold and Silver Meet results are up on the blog >> 

The team party will be held Aug. 3 from 8:30-10:30pm. Please let us know whether or not you and your family will be attending the end of the season party! Only immediate family. No friends or cousins please. Sorry!

Report how many will be coming on this google sheet >>

As a reminder, at the party we will have awards for our swimmers and ribbons/awards from County and Payson. We will also have lots of food and fun!

To come to the party, your hours must be complete or you need to pay the fee. Remember, the requirements are 4.5 hours per child with a 12 hour cap. We know we don't have all the hours accounted for, so please report any hours (or corrections) that we missed via email.

Volunteer Hours Doc >>

If you are looking to make up hours, you can sign up to bring something to the party. Each sign up slot accounts for one volunteer hour or you can donate $50 to cover 4.5 hours. These donations will go toward the swim team. If you plan to donate, please bring your money/check in an envelope with your family's name on it.   

End of season party sign up >>

I have had several parents and other adults express interest in another swim class like we did last summer.  It would be to learn/improve their strokes and get in a good workout! It is for all levels so don't be intimidated to come! Also, for those swimmers who are a bit more experienced and just want a killer workout, you can come and we will have a workout up that you can do. 

If this is something you are interested in, please email me with the subject line ADULT SWIM CLASS. This way we can get an idea of how many are actually interested. Let me know your thoughts on the info below...

We might do just every day and you come when you want OR we might do sessions like last time...
A. Every day, come when you can
B. Session One: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
    Session Two: Tuesday, Thursday

We are playing with the time and would love your feedback - either...
A. 7-8am 
B. 7:30-8:30am 
C. 8-9am 
D. 8:30-9:30am
E. 6-7 pm

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Hi there,

Just a few reminders for those attending the Silver and Gold Meets. 

Final Entry List
The entry list for Silver and Gold are below. Please give it a look. This is the last time I can make any changes.
Silver Relays
At the Silver meet, the Freestyle Relays will be swam in place of the Medley Relays. Not sure why they do this, but that's how it will be run. We will need all those signed up for relays to come immediate to the coaches after warm up, when the meet starts. Lehi will have lane assignments for each team.

Gold Relays
Many of you signed up for relays, yay! We are still in need of two boys 7-8 to swim and three 9-10 (or 7-8) girls to swim. 

Also, many just marked an X and didn't specify if you could swim both the medley or the free relay. Please let us know at the meet so we can plan accordingly. We are assuming if you put an X you can swim both. 

Food Policy
They do not allow food on the pool deck at Lehi. You can eat in the observation deck or on the outside deck.

County Volunteers
We could still use help with stroke judging. Please sign up if you can!

Dates and Times
Silver participants - Silver Swim Meet:
Date: July 28th, 2017
Warm-up Time: 3:00 pm
Meet Start Time: 4:00 pm
Meet Address:

Lehi Legacy Center
123 Center St.
Lehi, UT 84043

July 29th:
Gold participants - Gold Swim Meet
Date: July 29th, 2017
Warm-up Time: 7:00 am
Meet Start Time: 8:00 am
Meet Address:

Lehi Legacy Center
123 Center St.
Lehi, UT 84043

Bronze Meet
Bronze Meet Results are up on the blog. Nice job everyone!! Super proud of our swimmers!

Let me know of any questions or concerns!


Head Swim Coach
Kristi Hargiss


Friday, July 21, 2017


Hello Swim Parents!

Please make sure you read the party info below!


July 24th: No practice. County Sign Ups are due @ 12 PM.

July 25th: Normal practice time

July 26th: If you are not attending County, you are still welcome to come to either practice of your choice.
Gold participants - practice @ 8am
Silver participants - practice @ 9am
Bronze participants - Bronze Swim Meet
  • Warm-up Time: 2:00 pm
  • Meet Start Time: 3:00 pm
  • Meet Address:
    • Payson Pool
    • 655 South Main St
    • Payson, UT 84651

July 27th:  If you are not attending County, you are still welcome to come to either practice of your choice.
Gold participants - practice @ 8am
Silver participants - practice @ 9am

July 28th: No practice. However, you are more than welcome to come and swim if you'd like in the morning. Here is a quick workout if you decide to do so...

Gold participants:

300 slow warm up
2X50 freestyle sprints (1 min rest)
8X25 sprints of whatever stroke you are swimming at county (30 sec rest)
Practice dives and turns
Cool down

Silver participants - Silver Swim Meet:
  • Date: July 28th, 2017
  • Warm-up Time: 3:00 pm
  • Meet Start Time: 4:00 pm
  • Meet Address:
    • Lehi Legacy Center
    • 123 Center St.
    • Lehi, UT 84043

July 29th: 
Gold participants - Gold Swim Meet
  • Date: July 29th, 2017
  • Warm-up Time: 7:00 am
  • Meet Start Time: 8:00 am
  • Meet Address:
    • Lehi Legacy Center
    • 123 Center St.
    • Lehi, UT 84043

August 3rd:
End of the Summer Party



I need a head count for the party. Please fill out the following document >>


Here are the hours we have so far. I'm still updating a few that have emailed me.

Please watch for a sign up to bring food to the party/clean up/set up to finish fulfilling your volunteer hours. 

If you have not completed your hours, please sign up so you can come to the party! Remember, the requirements are 4.5 hours per child with a 12 hour cap. We know we don't have all the hours accounted for, so please report any hours (or corrections) that we missed via email.

Each sign up slot accounts for one volunteer hour or you can donate $50 to cover 4.5 hours. These donations will go toward the swim team. If you plan to donate, please bring your money/check in an envelope with your family's name on it.  

We have quite a few swimmers who have not picked up their t-shirt yet. Please pick them up on Tuesday at practice. We will also have them at the end of the summer party. 

We are still in need of volunteers for County. We may not be able to compete if we don't fulfill these requirements! Please sign up!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Coach Kristi

Thursday, July 20, 2017


Swimmers and Swim Team Parents!

It's County Meet sign up time! Below you will find the links and instructions to sign up for County. Remember, sign ups are due by MONDAY AT 12 PM!!! So stop what you are doing and take 5 minutes and sign up :) 

Link to qualifications and other links >>


1. First see the link below for your swimmer's qualifications whether they qualified for the Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Swimmers with a N/Q did not qualify because they didn't swim in two dual swim meets or have legal times. 

To clarify about what meet you can attend, it is 2 out of 3 times that determines which meet you go to." So as an example, if your swimmer has two times in silver, one time in bronze, and one time in gold - your swimmer has two options. Swim in Silver or swim in Gold. Swimmers may always swim up. The head of the league said she will move swimmers if they are in the wrong meet based on this rule, so please make sure your swimmer is signed up for the correct meet. Sorry if this is an inconvenience. If you have any questions, please email me. 

On a side note, some swimmers choose not to swim an event so they can swim at a different meet. Ex. If a swimmer has two gold times and a silver time, they may compete at the Silver Meet, but they can only swim a gold time and a silver time. They can not swim both gold times at Silver. 

If you see any problems on the qualifications page, please let us know. We are human.

Qualifications for each swimmer >>

2. Once you have viewed your swimmer's qualifications, go to the link below to sign them up. Bronze is the first sheet, Silver is the second sheet, Gold is the third sheet. You can switch in between sheets by clicking on the name in the left hand corner. 

Please read the instructions before you sign them up. If your swimmer is put in the wrong meet, we will contact you and move them to the appropriate meet. 

Individual events...
Remember, only three events per swimmer. No exhibition events are allowed. 

Please mark if your swimmer is interested in swimming in a relay and write both or which relay they want/stroke they'd prefer. Relays at County can be difficult to get enough swimmers to participate, so please sign up! They are so much fun!

County Sign Ups >>

3. Don't forget to sign up for volunteering at County! We are still in need of parents to volunteer. If we don't have enough timers and judges, we may not be allowed to swim. 

4. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me or talk to us tomorrow during practice!


Head Swim Coach
Kristi Hargiss


Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Hello Swim Parents,


I will be sending out County Sign Ups tomorrow in the afternoon. We should have all the qualifications updated by then. So please be looking for that email because ENTRIES ARE DUE ON MONDAY, JULY 24TH AT 12 PM. 


Bronze Meet: 
  • Date: July 26, 2017
  • Warm-up Time: 2:00 pm
  • Meet Start Time: 3:00 pm
  • Meet Address: 
    • Payson Pool
    • 655 South Main St
    • Payson, UT 84651
Silver Meet: 
  • Date: July 28, 2017
  • Warm-up Time: 3:00 pm
  • Meet Start Time: 4:00 pm
  • Meet Address: 
    • Lehi Legacy Center
    • 123 Center St.
    • Lehi, UT 84043
Gold Meet: 
  • Date: July 29, 2017
  • Warm-up Time: 7:00 am
  • Meet Start Time: 8:00 am
  • Meet Address:
    • Lehi Legacy Center
    • 123 Center St.
    • Lehi, UT 84043


D-1 County Meet Divisions.  The County Meet consists of three separate meets.

A.   The Bronze meet:  will be held one to two days prior to the other meets and is for swimmers with two or more qualifying times below the Bronze Meet Time Standard.  This meet follows the 78 event order with the exceptions of relays and no individual medley. All relays will be deck seeded with cards, no prior entries will be needed.  No “A” or “B” time or Gold time standard swimmers will be permitted to swim at the Bronze Meet.  All 6 & under swimmers will swim in this meet only.
B.   The Silver Meet will be held the second day for all boys and girls that qualify in accordance to the Silver meet time standard requirements. The swimmer should have two out of three times that are in the Silver meet time standards.  Freestyle relays will be held in the place of the medley with no medley relays.  All relays will be deck seeded with cards.  No prior entry will be needed.
C.   The Gold Meet will be held as the final meet of the season for all boys and girls in that age group that have two or more times faster than the silver time standard.  It will be a time standard meet. All swimmers participating must meet the qualifying time standard.  All 15-18 year olds will participate in this meet regardless of time standards.  All standard relays will be held in the standard order. All relays will be deck seeded with no prior entries needed.

D-2 Minimum Requirements for Participation in a County Championship Meet.  
To compete in any county Championship meet, swimmers must:
          A.  Have swum in at least two dual or invitational meets during the
               Season (Individual events only, relays do not count) AND;
B.    Have at least one legal time in the event(s) they wish to enter at a county meet. Inter-squad meet times are not eligible to use as entry times for a county meet participation.

D-3 Entries for County Meets.  Meets will be regulated as follows:
     A.  Each team may have an unlimited number of entries in each event.
     B. Each swimmer may enter a maximum of three individual events and two relay events. 
     C.  Each team may enter a maximum of three (3) relays per age group per gender.
     D.  Swimmers may swim a maximum of one freestyle relay and one medley relay.
     E.  To swim in any relay at a county meet, a swimmer must swim in at least one individual event.
     F.   A swimmer who is disqualified for any reason will be considered to have swum that event and will count toward his/her maximum number of events.
     G.   There will be no exhibition entries.
H.   If a swimmer swims more than the allowed number of individual or relay  events, he or she will be disqualified from those events swam after the maximum number of events is reached.  In case of a relay, the entire team will be disqualified.
I.     Team entries will be submitted to the host team and meet director at a predetermined time (usually seven days before the meet).  After that date no changes may be made in individual events without the use of a “team card.”  In relays substitutions may be made until the swimmers are called to the block.  A maximum of 6 “team card” changes may be made by each team during the 3-day meet.
J.    “No entry” times  will be accepted for relay teams.  Entries will be seeded at random with “A” teams seeded faster than “B” and “C” team relays.

D-4 Scratches.  To help the meet run smoother and to prevent empty lanes, coaches are asked to “scratch” any swimmers or relay teams they know will not be competing.  This is done 45 minutes prior to the start of the meet.  Announcements will be made to that effect prior to the start of the meet.


County Meet Volunteers Needed

We are required to provide two stroke judges and four timers for each County Meet, otherwise we may not be allowed to compete. Volunteers will be rotated out. So we need two timers to take the beginning of the meet and two to take the end of the meet. Same with judges.

Please sign up here >>

If you sign up, please check in with Coach Kristi at the beginning of the meet so we know you are here/can tell you where to go. 


Again, I will be sending out County Sign Ups tomorrow in the afternoon. We should have all the qualifications for each swimmer updated by then. So please be looking for that email because ENTRIES ARE DUE ON MONDAY, JULY 24TH AT 12 PM. 

To clarify about what meet you can attend, it is 2 out of 3 times that determines which meet you go to." So as an example, if your swimmer has two times in silver, one time in bronze, and one time in gold - your swimmer has two options. Swim in Silver or swim in Gold. Swimmers may always swim up. The head of the league said she will move swimmers if they are in the wrong meet based on this rule, so please make sure your swimmer is signed up for the correct meet. Sorry if this is an inconvenience. If you have any questions, please email me. 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!


Head Swim Coach
Kristi Hargiss


Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Hello Swim Team Parents,

We have a green cutting board and knife from the Pancake Party that has not been picked up. If that is yours, please come grab it from the front office at the pool.

We finally scheduled the end of the summer party!! It will be held Thursday, Aug 3 at the pool from 8 pm-10:30 pm. Please watch for a sign up to bring food to the party/clean up/set up to finish fulfilling your volunteer hours. 

If you have not completed your hours, please sign up so you can come to the party! Remember, the requirements are 4.5 hours per child with a 12 hour cap. We know we don't have all the hours accounted for, so please report any hours (or corrections) that we missed via email.

Each sign up slot accounts for one volunteer hour or you can donate $50 to cover 4.5 hours. These donations will go toward the swim team. If you plan to donate, please bring your money/check in an envelope with your family's name on it.  

We also finally got our team shirts! Please come to practice so you can pick them up. They are free for the swimmers because they are calculated into the registration cost. If parents would like one, let us know and you can buy them for $5 while supplies last.

Payson and Riverside meet results are up on the blog and updated version of the home meets are up as well. We had a few errors on those meets, so they are correct as far as we are aware. 


Coach Kristi

Friday, July 14, 2017


Happy Friday!

Real quick, I've received a lot of emails. I'm slowly working through them so don't worry if you haven't heard from me yet. I'll email you back soon! If you emailed me about tomorrow's meet and haven't heard from me, please shoot me a new email with the title "RIVERSIDE MEET."

Just wanted to send out a reminder that this is our last swim meet before County Meets. Below are County Qualifications:

D-2 Minimum Requirements for Participation in a County Championship Meet.  To compete in any county Championship meet, swimmers must:
A.  Have swum in at least two dual or invitational meets during the Season (Individual events only, relays do not count) AND;
B. Have at least one legal time in the event(s) they wish to enter at a county meet. Inter-squad meet times are not eligible to use as entry times for a county meet participation.

County time qualifications are up on the blog for Bronze, Silver, and Gold.

If you have not signed up for the meet, but you want to still attend so your swimmers can compete at County, PLEASE STILL COME. This meet is done with cards instead of seeded ahead of time, so we can easily write cards for your swimmer at the meet. Hence, the last call for sign ups.

Below are tentative relays >>

Please stay tuned for more info on County Meets and our End of the Year Party. We are trying to work out a time with the pool for our party.


Coach Kristi

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Hi All,
Can you believe we have only one more swim meet?? If your swimmer still needs to attend two meets to go to County, this is your last meet to do so.
Please sign up for this Saturday's meet by THURSDAY, JULY 13TH @ 11AM. We are going to be doing cards for this meet, per request of Riverside. So please come and check in with the coaches to get your card with your events on it. You will take this card to the bullpen.

Please check your hours and let me know of any hours you've volunteered thus far (the times you started/ended and the date). I know I'm missing a lot.

We are having our pancake party this Friday!! Swimmers will still come at the normal practice time. We will just swim for the first 30mins and then eat the last 30mins. If you are in need of hours and are willing to cook/clean, please email <>. She is organizing the volunteers for the breakfast.


Coach Kristi

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Hello All,

Hope you all had an enjoyable 4th of July!

Here is the meet sign up for our away meet at Payson this Saturday. Sorry I am sending this so late, but we need sign ups by tomorrow at 12pm.

The pool address and warm up/start time is on the sign up.

Payson is looking for two timers for a lane. If you need volunteer hours still, this is a great way to make some up. Please email me if you are willing to time.

Just a reminder, in order to qualify for county meets, your swimmer must have participated at two swim meets and have a qualifying time in the events they would like to compete in. So if you have not swam in any of the meets, we suggest you sign up for this Payson meet and the next one because we only have two left.

If your swimmer wants to try out a new stroke that they haven't competed in yet as well, we suggest doing that in the next two meets!


Coach Kristi